Home > Challenge Addition:

Challenge Addition:

April 18th, 2007 at 02:03 am

I decided to try again at "selling" coupons ons eBay. I had three coupons for free bags of pet food (13 lbs in total). The coupons sold at auction for $6.00 + $0.39 shippping, but after all was said and done, my profit was $5.18 which I will add to the Challenge.

Old Total: $1148.51
+ $5.18 coupons on eBay
New Total: $1153.69

2 Responses to “Challenge Addition:”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    Very nice! I did that once long ago and made around $10 (free movie money or something for blockbuster). I'm contemplating getting back into ebay. I have a bunch of old magazines I am wondering if I should put on for 99c each and seeing what they'll go for or pitching them.

    That little "time" thing is preventing me from actually doing it.

  2. threebeansalad Says:

    I startewd the bidding for the cpupns at $0.01. This was my first time starting so low, but I've heard this helps to pique interest.

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