I'm adding another $3.71 to the Challenge for a book that sold on Half.com. This amount includes subtractions for Half.com commission, shipping, and cost of padded envelope.
I’m always a little sad to mail away my books. The book I mailed today was a paperback I bought this summer at Elliot Bay Book Co. while we were on vacation in Seattle. Even though the book itself could have been bought at any store in the US, it reminds me of the trip and I felt rush of nostalgia packing it up.
I’m only selling the books that I either didn’t like, have 2 copies of, or know I won’t read or reference again, but I guess I still can’t help but feel an attachment. This feeling is unique to selling books- I don’t feel this way about any of the clothes or knickknacks I’ve sold on eBay or through Classifieds.
Oh well, I’m sure I will appreciate having fewer books the next time we move, and maybe some of the money I earn can help fund future trips and new memories.
Old Total: $ 538.78
+ half.com sale $3.71
New Total: $542.49
This has been a very successful Challenge month for me, as this total represents ONLY new, quantifiable earnings.
I’ll reflect some more on this in a future post, but let’s say I’m feeling pleased and highly motivated with January’s ending balance.
"I'll miss you, books!" January Challenge Summary
February 1st, 2007 at 03:41 pm
February 1st, 2007 at 05:31 pm 1170351080
February 1st, 2007 at 05:46 pm 1170351972