Home > Geocaching


February 12th, 2007 at 01:24 am

Any Geocachers out there?

We logged 3 this afternoon!

Between being a FT doctoral student and my various odd jobs, I'm a pretty busy gal. Luckily, Mr. Bean is supportive of my choices.

Nevertheless, I like to keep Sundays open and spend time with him. He's recently really gotten into Geocaching. Aside from the initial outlay of a handheld GPS unit (~$100-150), it's a pretty frugal hobby. It’s also a great way to get outdoors and explore new trails. We don't have kids (yet), but we notice in the log books that a lot of families with kids are into it.

The GPS unit is handy for hiking, too (just make sure you don't place it on the top of your car while loading up and then drive off-- this is how we lost our first GPS unit-- doh!)

5 Responses to “Geocaching”

  1. genmed Says:

    A little slower then ya'll on finding those caches, but we've geocached on occassion. Smile

  2. jodi Says:

    I've heard about it and am very interested, but hesitant to put out the $$$ for a GPS until I know I'll be able to do it on a regular basis (maybe when the kids are a little older). Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Nice ammo can. Wink

  4. kashi Says:

    I have never heard of this, but we have a GPS! I'm going to look into it, thanks!

  5. princessperky Says:

    Ditto Jodi not sure we would do it enough for the start up cost....

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