Home > Better Than a Whitman Sampler...

Better Than a Whitman Sampler...

February 14th, 2007 at 01:28 am

As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently made a trip to Aldi.

In addition to having low-cost food, Aldi is a FABULOUS source for inexpensive German chocolate.

Mr. Bean will be receiving this basket for Valentine's Day. All the chocolate is from Aldi.

There's a little over 1.5 pounds of various types of chocolate. The total cost was $6.75. Once you start eating German (or Swiss, or Austrian...) chocolate, American chocolate really loses its appeal.

Let's hope he'll share some with me!

2 Responses to “Better Than a Whitman Sampler...”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Looks yummy! Wonder what he is getting you?

  2. mbkonef Says:

    I love Aldi! I have not tried the chocolates you bought but I have had their chocolate covered raisins and find them very addicting.

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