After taxes, my February stipend was $1343.
The February expenses looked something like this:
$800 joint expenses *
$35.00 Education
$16.44 Clothing
$82.43 Entertainment
$ 38.22 Groceries **
$81.60 Medical
$150 Roth IRA contribution
January Expenses $1203.69
* Mr. Bean and I make the same amount of $$, so we transfer equal amounts into our joint checking account to pay joint expenses. Joint expenses include rent, groceries, car payment and car insurance, cable, meals out together, etc. If our joint expenses are under $1600, the remainder just sits in the bank account. He tracks the specifics of these expenses in Quicken.
** Typically this is a joint expense, but for various reasons I made some purchases with my own cash or credit card.
Entertainment was abnormally high this month because I went down hill skiing and paid a $41 fee that will cover my membership at the University Fitness Center for the entire semester.
I expect to be re-imbursed by my insurance for a portion of the Medical expenses, but I can never figure out exactly how much that will be until it happens.
I’m happy about not spending any money buying lunch or other snacks this month.
The clothing purchases all came from my newly discovered favorite store- The Good Will! They were offering a 25% sale for students this month so I visited it a couple more times than necessary. I’m really happy with my purchases, (including a brand new BCBG Max Aria sweater for $5), but now that I’ve had my fun I think I need to stay out of there for a while- or at least until the weather warms up and I need to quell an urge to buy something to update my Spring look!
So, I have succeeded another month living entirely off my stipend while making a Roth contribution. In fact, I even ended up $139.31 to spare.
Not included in this is $554.31 I made this month in odd jobs, selling things I’m not using, rebates, etc.
I can’t believe I spent so long in the dark about my finances and money. Saving and spending wisely is fun!
February Spending Round Up
March 5th, 2007 at 11:34 pm
March 6th, 2007 at 12:27 am 1173140846
March 6th, 2007 at 03:59 am 1173153577