Home > $1 Spring Wardrobe Makeover

$1 Spring Wardrobe Makeover

March 29th, 2007 at 09:57 pm

My new socks cost $1.

I kept looking at them all day thinking that spring is ALMOST here.

6 Responses to “$1 Spring Wardrobe Makeover”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    How cute!!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Very clever! And a good deal too. My spring wardrobe will be much more than a $1 since I've gone done two sizes!! At least I don't need to buy new socks!!

  3. fairy74 Says:

    very cute!

  4. tinapbeana Says:

    hehhehe!!! i get fun socks on clearance sometimes. my favorites are 1) frowny faces that say 'cranky' and 2) the ones that say 'i love my attitude!'. 50cents to a buck is a small price for something that makes you smile every time you put them on!

  5. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Oh he hee from the 99c Store?

  6. Lux Living Frugalis Says:


    Did you know Jeffrey is trying to get ahold of you over on the forums on the 100 post thread about your ING invites??? I think he needs you to email him.

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