Home > $3.50 for the Challenge

$3.50 for the Challenge

May 10th, 2007 at 02:10 am

Mr. Bean recently cleaned out his closet in preparation for the upcoming move. I washed and ironed a bunch of his rejects to try to sell at

Text is Plato's Closet and Link is
Plato's Closet. After all the ironing, they denied all the clothes, but they did take a pair of shoes for $3.50. Since I took the intiative to try to sell the stuff, he said I could reap the rewards. Big whoop :-)

The rest of the stuff is going to Freecycle.

Old Total: $1261.38
+ $3.50 shoes
New Total: $1264.88

2 Responses to “$3.50 for the Challenge”

  1. scfr Says:

    Aww... Sorry you did not get more, but remember that less stuff equals smaller living space equals lots of savings down the road.

  2. Amber Says:

    Sorry to hear about that, but try Ebay and Craiglist (you can list as a bundle) first

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