Home > Free $100!

Free $100!

February 28th, 2008 at 03:56 am

Did you get your

Text is free Suze Orman book and Link is
free Suze Orman book on Valentine's Day?

If not, there's another chance for a freebie advertised on page 85 of the book:

Get started on Suze’s Save Yourself Plan by opening a new account with TD AMERITRADE, featuring a special high-yield deposit account with a 2.78% Annual Percentage Yield (as of February 1, 2008). Your cash is held in an FDIC-insured Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA) at TD Bank USA, N.A.

There are no maintenance fees on the account, plus you receive the $100 offer for making 12 monthly automatic deposits of at least $50 each to help you build up your account balance. […] Should you need to withdraw the money prior to the twelve-month commitment, you may withdraw all of your deposits, plus the interest earned. However, you will forfeit the $100 bonus.

I'm game! AMERITRADE's money-market interest rate isn't as good as others, but the $100 bonus makes up for it.

For more info, see
Text is A Message from Suze and Link is
A Message from Suze and
Text is Jonathan from MyMoneyBlog's and Link is
Jonathan from MyMoneyBlog's post on this offer.

4 Responses to “Free $100!”

  1. Lady T Says:

    I felt the same way, which is why I opened my account last October. I've put $250 in it so far ... seven months to go until I get my additional $100!!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I downloaded it for free (thank you!!), but I have'nt had time to read it yet!

  3. scfr Says:

    Yes ma'am - Opened my account in April right after getting the book. But thank you for the post ... I want to remind my sister about this!

  4. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I opened up an account a few weeks ago. Smile Waiting with baited breath for Feb 09 and my $100.

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