Sidestream Income:
$2765.93 old total
$50.00 rideshare
$3.00 PineCone surveys
TOTAL: $2818.93
I drove down to see Mr. Bean this weekend and to look for a new apartment for the two us in his area.
Oi Vey! Sticker shock!!
Would we like to live in a dark, damp basement for $1600/ month? No, not really! We saw about 15 places and put an application in for one. Unfortunately, I think there were other applications ahead of us so I'm not holding my breath.
On the upside, I was able to take someone with me and get $50 in gas money for the round trip ride. We also got a better understanding of what our money will and will not get us. If our application on the one place isn't successful, we're going to start looking into some condo units that aren't selling and are going up for rent. W
e looked at one and I must say that although the location was a little far from public transportation, the unit was beautiful!
Rental Sticker Shock!
May 5th, 2008 at 04:19 pm
May 5th, 2008 at 05:13 pm 1210004021
May 6th, 2008 at 04:12 am 1210043556