Home > Not So Frugal Fries

Not So Frugal Fries

June 1st, 2008 at 04:01 am

I submitted my dissertation to my committee on Friday. I still need to get through the defense but this is a step in the right direction!

Thursday night I stayed on campus until about 8:30pm finishing up some last minute revisions. Walking home I was hungry and feeling celebratory, so I decided to stop at

Text is Five Guys and Link is
Five Guys for a burger. I had never been there before, but had heard that their burger and fries were among some the best in town. Plus, it fit the bill for what I wanted: tasty, cheap, indulgent, and quick.

I ordered a little cheeseburger and medium fries (medium and large are the only sizes available) without paying much attention to the price aside from noting that the "little" burgers (which were still pretty big) were at least a dollar less than the original burgers.

I was just cleaning out my wallet and entering expenses into Quicken this evening, I noticed that my cheese burger was $3.29 and the fries were $1.99. That seems like a lot for fries. I think it's one of those things where if you go to a burger joint it's almost sacrilege not to get fries.

I'm not that big of frugal nut that I'd skip the fries if I go there again since I eat fast food about 1x/ year. It's just interesting to note that they weren't that good and cost nearly 40% of the total bill. I wouldn't recommend eating this type of food regularly, if you do it's pretty easy to see how just making minor adjustments to your order could save hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.

3 Responses to “Not So Frugal Fries”

  1. Amber Says:

    I had lunch at Five Guys once and loved it but the second time I was sick as a dog (maybe all that grease) and have not been back since

  2. scfr Says:

    Congratulations on getting that sucker submitted! Must be a huge weight off your mind.

  3. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    This reminds me of a time when Hubster and I were first dating years ago and he couldn't understand why I complained about my $3 baked potato not being properly cooked. I tried to explain to him how many pounds of potatoes $3.00 could buy and at that time it was a bunch and I wasn't about to waste his $3.00 on a SINGLE raw/hard/cold baked tate! It was high to begin with and to be served impromperly. BLECK!

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