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Hello, Lover!

June 4th, 2008 at 02:43 am

All the Sex & the City afficionados know this is what Carrie says when she spies a pair of Manolo Blahniks in the window of an upscale boutique.

I had a similar reaction this weekend. Only I was in the Goodwill. And the shoes cost 2.50. But aren't they beautiful?

I went to the Goodwill to drop off some clothes, but I convinced myself to go inside. The Goodwill in my new town might not be as plentiful, right?

This find was especially fortuitous because I was in the market for a pair of shoes just like this. You know, for walking to school. Kidding. Here's the story-- In summer of 2006 I bought this dress on eBay:

It has served me very well. I've worn for at least 4-5 different weddings and am taking it on the wedding circuit again this summer. However, the shoes I wear with this dress have never done the dress justice. I told myself that if I saw a reasonable priced pair of strappy, gold shoes at a store this summer I should buy them as a reward for getting 3 seasons of weddings out of the dress. Yes, I know that's irrational.

I thought I would end up getting a good deal if I found a paid for under $30, so imagine my glee when I saw these FOR LESS THAN $3!

But the good fortune didn't end there! Oh no! Then I spotted these pointy toe leather Bandolinos for $5 (perfect for jeans or black pants),

and then these adorable brown leather Naturalizers for $3.25.

Total cost: $10.75

Eat your heart out, Carrie Bradshaw.

5 Responses to “Hello, Lover!”

  1. JanH Says:

    Very cute shoes! At very cute prices!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Impressive! Congrats on the 'scores'!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Ooohh! CB would be SO jealous. Smile Nice shoes!

  4. koppur Says:

    Gorgeous shoes!! Smile

  5. michelle Says:

    Wow, very impressive! Are the shoes all new? - How would you clean the shoes if they've already been worn?

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